About us

TnTShops.com is a NEWLY ESTABLISHED Trinidad & Tobago Online Market-Place, with intent to become TnT’s preferred place to shop, enabling local merchants to list on-hand products for sale, without the cost to host a dedicated website.

TnT Shops patterns after international marketplaces like, Amazon, Ebay, Alibaba etc. 
However, our site is hosted through local affiliates. Products prices and payment received are in Trinidad & Tobago Currency ($TTD.

To begin selling on TnT Shops, you will need to register your business and begin listing your products for sale. 
At present, new vendors will only be allowed to list, no more than 10 products for sale at any given time.

Registration will remain free for the months of August and September 2021.

To register: Click https://tntshops.com/my-account/
To find out about our terms of use:
Please use the floating WhatsApp button at the lower right of this page to send us a message for more info regarding our service and Terms of use.